
Leaked Boot Animation from the Motorola Droid R2-D2

The official boot animation for the upcoming Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Special Edition Motorola Droid 2 was eaked late last night. The is currently available below for all of you who want to take your inner geek to the next level. Below is a video of the boot animation in action. Enjoy!

Grab the

*For both rooted and non-rooted users.  Separate instructions though.

*Should work on almost any phone, Droid 1 and Droid X for sure.

Instructions (rooted users):

Download the file from above to your SD card.
Open Root Explorer and copy the file to /data/local.
Reboot your phone and enjoy your new boot animation.

Instructions (non-rooted users):

*You will need the Android SDK installed to do this.  Instructions here.

Download the file from above to your PC.
Move the file into your android-skd/tools folder.
Make sure nothing is selected and hold SHIFT+right click inside your tools folder.
Choose “open command window here.”
Type in the following commands:

adb push /data/local
adb reboot

Your phone will reboot with your new boot animation

Via: Droid-Life

Anyone try this yet? How do you like it?