
Leaked LG Nexus 5 specs seem underpowered at a glance

We’ve been dying to know more about the LG Nexus 5 specs ever since we learnt of the device’s likely existence – we’ve had a spate of rumours already (nothing concrete of course), however the latest rumour from GizmoChina is the most unusual of the lot as it disagrees with almost every other report we’ve gotten so far. According to the report, the LG Nexus 5 will have a 5.2-inch 1080p display, 4GB RAM, 3,180mAh battery and Qualcomm Snapdragon 620 processor – regarding the processor, I think I speak for the collective Android community when I say “WHAT?” Previous rumours have suggested the LG Nexus 5 would have either a Snapdragon 820 or Snapdragon 810, making it a flagship level device, however a Snapdragon 620 would make the new Nexus 5 underpowered compared to even the outgoing Nexus 5. UPDATE: I’ve been informed that the Snapdragon 620 should have very capable performance, favourable to even that of the Snapdragon 810. Shows how much I know…

The specs go on: front facing stereo speakers, rear mounted power button (a la the LG G3/G4) with integrated fingerprint scanner and a 13MP f/1.8 camera with OIS and laser focus, no doubt a similar sensor to the one in the LG G3. The last tidbit says that the LG Nexus 5 will be a hybrid of metal and matte plastic, and that it will cost in the range of $300-400 USD.

Personally, I’m still caught up on the processor as I’m pretty certain many a Nexus fan would be unhappy with that. What do you think about these LG Nexus 5 specs? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: GizmoChina via BGR