
Leaked Sears Roadmap Gives Release Dates to a few Upcoming Verizon Devices

Where would the Android community be without it’s moles buried deep within multiple retailers, giving us inside information regarding upcoming products. One things for sure we’d be a lot less anxious. Thanks to tipster for Droid-Life a Sears roadmap has been spotted that shows release dates for three of Verizon’s upcoming devices, the Samsung Droid Charge, HTC Incredible 2, and the Sony Xperia Play.

I can no recall ever seeing a cell phone kiosk in any Sears I’ve been to however this doesn’t mean that this doesn’t hold water. According to the image we can expect the Droid Charge to launch April 14th, with the Incredible 2 launching a week later on the 21st, then followed by the Xperia Play on the 28th. Although the dates match up with other whispers floating around, nothing official has been announced. I suppose that makes this another wait and see moment.


Source: Droid-Life