
Leaked Sprint Black Friday ad puts the Galaxy Nexus at free and Galaxy S III at $50

We still can’t believe that Thanksgiving is just one short week away from today. That means it is time to stuff our faces with food we probably shouldn’t, have a few too many drinks and watch the game. It also means that you should probably take it easy if you plan on getting up and shopping the next day. Unless you are like me and just pull an all nighter. A new leaked print ad found its way out to Phandroid today. Showcasing a couple of the deals that Sprint will be offering this holiday season.

For starters, the Samsung Galaxy S III will be pulling in a $50 price tag for new and existing upgradable customers. Nothing new there, we have seen that price tag spring up for the S III all over the place. THis deal is a one day deal on Black Friday only.

There are two other devices though that now have some pricing attached. Well, not in the image, but in the leaked info. The Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Samsung Galaxy Victory will both be up for free. Those two devices will be part of the weekend sale extending from Friday to Sunday. You could wait until Saturday to get your GNex on, but stock my get pretty low.

Any of this sound any good to any of you?

Source: PhandroidÂ