
Leaked T-Mobile Documents Shows New Tiered Data Plan Coming Early November

It’s only a matter of time for all wireless carriers to move to a tired data plan and it looks like T-Mobile plans to join the ranks of Verizon and AT&T on November 3rd, but they’re not as bad as we thought. In the leaked internal document shown above, T-Mobile is working on three separate categories of devices which will show which data plans the customer is eligible for.

Three categories of devices:

  • Feature phones – Which T-Mobile dubs as lower-end phones – pay per use (10¢ per MB), 200MB for $10 a month or unlimited web for $30 a month.
  • Standard Smartphones – Mid-range devices – 200MB for $10 a month or unlimited web for $30 a month.
  • Premium Smartphones – High-end devices – unlimited web for $30 a month only.

Not too bad right? For those of you currently rocking smartphones with unlimited web, you are already paying the $30 a month fee anyways, right? Check out more leaked images below to help give you a better idea of what T-Mobile’s tiered data plan consists of.

What do you all think about this tiered data plan coming November 3rd to T-Mobile?

Via: TMOnews