According to the New York Times, AT&T hasn’t given up yet. Not that it should surprise anyone. They received information from an unnamed source stating that AT&T is “knee-deep in negotiations” to sell a good chunk of T-Mobile’s customer accounts and some of their spectrum to Leap Wireless. Meaning that you, the customer, don’t really mean much to AT&T, all they really want is T-Mobile’s spectrum.
This new plan is aimed to alleviate some of the concerns that regulators have been having about the merger. Stats wise, AT&T has about a 70% chance of this being accepted, so say AT&T lawyers. This would be huge for Leap Wireless, if this does go through it would move the carrier from regional to national and take over T-Mobiles #4 spot in the list.
I have a sneaking suspicion that if this deal goes through, Leap Wireless will only be hurting them selves. I am certain that a huge chunk of customers that they end up with will walk and head straight Verizon or Sprint. Which in turn would hurt AT&T and give the other guys a more substantial lead in the numbers.
Source: New York Times