
Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded prize pack winners Announcement

Happy Saturday everyone. Hopefully you are happy, healthy and NOT snowed in like I am. Many of you might have seen our fun little interview we had a few weeks ago with Al Lowe and Paul Trowe about Leisure Suit Larry, life, games and a little bit of other stuff in between. We had a two week long contest giving some lucky patron a chance at winning the near full shabang of Larry swag, only nearly because the poker chips have all been put to use. So what did the prize pack look like?

Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded for Android Prize package
Pretty good haul of goods really. So we cruised through the comments in the Play Store that met the requirements and snagged two lucky winners. Those winners are –

Christian Walters and Joseph Nathan Weisman

Both guys have been circled and notified via G+. Hopefully they respond soon so we can get their winning packages shipped off Monday.

For all the rest, thanks for playing, watching and being part of AndroidStory. We appreciate it. Lots of fun new things to come and hopefully a great new year on the horizon for us all.