
Let’s Bring it Back Old School. Super Mario Bros. Widgets for your Home Screen

Now obviously if you had a Nintendo back in the day, you got sore thumbs playing Super Mario Bros. for hours and hours. It pretty much started the whole RPG game revolution and even though the games are way more sophisticated now, we can still pay homage to the game we loved on our home screens. Axemedia has created pretty clear widgets of pictures of the characters from the game. Not only does he have the main characters, but numerous other characters. Try 64 of them. Now the widgets don’t do anything but decorate your home screen so if you’re a Super Mario Bros. fan I’m sure you wouldn’t mind decorating one of your home screens with some Mario goodness. Now this app will cost a hefty dollar bill so let the true fan come out and try it out.  Now if only I could get one of those stars that makes Mario invincible and that makes him run really fast. I would probably write about 50 articles a day. Sure Stormy and Simon would love that.

Application: Super Mario Bros. Widgets
Developer: Axemedia
Cost. .99