
Is this the LG G Watch 2? LG confirms it will be launching a round-faced smartwatch at IFA 2014 with a teaser

LG G Watch 2Just a week ago, we heard a rumour that suggested that LG was already preparing a successor to its LG G Watch, what was being called the LG G Watch 2. We were dismissive of the rumour given that the LG G Watch has only been on the market for 2 months, but is seems we might have been wrong to assume that. LG has release a teaser for a new wearable, one that it refers to simple as the “R” (presumably standing for “round”), depicting a smartwatch with a round face, not unlike that of the Moto 360. Check out the teaser below:

Given the timing of this new “R” smartwatch, it seems likely that LG has been working on the watch even before launching the LG G Watch and decided to launch the original G Watch to accompany the launch of Android Wear. Now, it seems LG’s real hand has been shown, and its latest wearable adopts the round form factor that many of us have been pining for. The teaser ends suggesting an announcement will be made at IFA 2014 next month, and we absolutely can’t wait to see what the actual smartwatch ends up looking like.

What do you think about LG launching a round face smartwatch at IFA 2014? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Source: YouTube via engadget