• News
  • 30 April, 2012

LG opts to stick with Android and put Windows Phones on Hold

Those of you that were hoping to see LG produce some sort of amazing Windows Phone in the near future are going to be waiting a long while. LG has decided to shelve all work on Windows Phones in favor of producing more Android powered devices. This should come as no surprise to many, especially those that were in attendance at Mobile World Congress. There was a slew of new devices laying about at LG’s booth, but they were all Android devices. After finally reporting profits after 7 years of losses in the mobile sphere, LG is going to focus n what is making them money finally.

“The total unit of Windows Phone sold in the global market is not a meaningful figure,” said the LG spokesman, further elaborating that it currently has no plans of rolling out another LG-manufactured Windows phone soon.

Although I may not be the biggest LG fan, the Lucid, Thrill 4G and some of the devices at MWC are pretty darn nice devices. Lets hope LG has some big plans this year and brings us something new and unexpected. Who knows, they may turn into the next Samsung powerhouse at some point.

Source: Koreaherald via AndroidCentral