
LG Teases What Is Most Likely the Optimus G2 Announcement At August 7th Event

optimus g2We know that LG’s next flagship is going to be running a Qualcomm Snapdragon 800, and that LG is holding an event on August 7th to announce something. If we put two and two together, and the fact that leaks all over the world have been seen of it, we can probably safely guess that come August 7th, we are going to see the official announcement of the LG Optimus G2, the successor to Optimus G. Today, LG has started mailing out the invitations to the event saying “Great 2 have you”, probably a less than subtle suggestion that whatever they are announcing is a successor to another of their devices.

Apart from knowing what processor it is going to run, we know very little about what else is going to be inside the Optimus G2, so I guess we’ll just have to find out in a month’s time. LG has also put up a teaser trailer to further (not) subtley suggest what they’re going to announce on August 7th. Now, unless you read into the trailer too much and think that they might be about to release a G-branded Google Glass-esque product, it’s pretty clear that a G-branded product is about to be announced.

What do you think LG is about to announce? Let us know in the comments.

Source: YouTube via engadget