
LG Vortex Shows Off Its Bing

Another image of the LG Vortex has been spotted in the wild, this time reppin’ Bing. While the news of Bing showing up on Verizon’s Android devices have caused quite a stir among the community, it obviously looks like Bing in’t going anywhere for a while as Verizon states that Microsoft’s Bing will be exclusive to their “multimedia” devices.

Verizon’s LG Optimus One device you see above will feature Android 2.2, but will match up against other entry-level devices. The Vortex will also feature:

  • 3.2-inch HVGA touchscreen
  • 600MHz processor
  • 3-megapixel camera with face tracking and “smile shot”
  • 170MB of internal storage
  • 1500mAh battery

If anyone has any beef with Verizon’s choice to put Bing instead of Google services on their device, may I direct you to the comments section below.

Via: Engadget Mobile