
Logitech Revue gets rooted, if you don’t mind Solder

Logitech Revue with Google TV

Logitech Revue with Google TV

I woke up this morning to one my colleagues shouting… “The Logitech Revue has been rooted”.  Hoping for something pretty cool, and maybe even a hole that had been found allowing the same method to be applied to the Sony Google TV products, I set forth digging around twitter and other sites and found the tweets and links directing me to  This is where the excitement ended.

According to the site, it is possible to gain root on your Logitech Revue Google TV box, however you will need some soldering skills and desire to strip down your Revue box and access to a USB->TTL or similar board/setup.

Yes, it is pretty technical to break into your Revue box just to say that you can.  This is a step in right direction, and will hopefully spur people on to find an easier way to gain root access to the Google TV device.

If you want to find out more. you can head over to and read the entire article about gaining root access on your Logitech Revue.