
LogiType tablet keyboard aims to bring PC like keyboard to your Tablet

One thing we thing ASUS did amazingly well was their creation of the tablet dock with keyboard for their tablets. It gives people a way to get a laptop like experience but with all the joys of having an Android tablet too. They know that having a big, beautiful screen is important, but so is functionality. Lets face it, typing on a on-screen keyboard on a 10-inch screen isn’t always the easiest of tasks. That doesn’t mean it is impossible though. We are sure many of you tablet owners out there have tried out a variety of keyboard replacement apps in the hopes of finding the one that works best for you. Not just the auto-correct functionality, but in a way that you can type more naturally and not feel confined to using just a few fingers. We recently discovered a tablet keyboard floating around the Play Store that we thought some of you might like to take a look at and try out.

The keyboard is called LogiType Tablet Keyboard and has been developed and released by InfoMason. Their goal in the creation and design of the keyboard was to give users a more natural feeling on screen experience that can accommodate speed and accuracy by relying on the fact that you already know how to use a standard PC keyboard. They boast that the keyboard moves and re-sizes while you type to adjust to your personal typing style.  It doesn’t have crazy alternate views, it doesn’t offer colorful or outlandish themes, but it does look pretty darn nice.

The comments from current users are sounding great. People are really loving it. We have a feeling that it is designed for the 10-inch tablets more so than the 7-inch variants running around in the wild. It should still work on the smaller tablets, but we fear the keys might be a little too close and eat up too much screen real estate. The good news though, the keyboard is free. So why not give it is a shot, it might just be your new favorite addition to favorite Android powered tablet. Hit up the QR code below to check it out and be sure to let us know what you think about it.

Application: LogiType Tablet Keyboard
Developer: InfoMason
Cost: FREE