• News
  • 29 June, 2010

Louder Volume Hack v4.0 BETA Sign Up!

Is your in-call volume too low? How about you speaker volume? Thanks to Meltus who has given us LVH, you can customize which volumes you would like louder than stock or lower than stock. Louder Volume Hack v4.0 is in its Beta testing and you can sign up now. The Beta will be split into two different stages, Beta 1 and Beta 2.

New features of V4.0:

  • Redesigned Layout [Beta 1]
  • Completely re-coded from scratch [Beta 1]
  • New way of obtaining Root Access, which makes everything much smoother [Beta 1]
  • New loading bars which explain what’s going on [Beta 1]
  • Completely redesigned widgets [Beta 2]
  • Version Information [Beta 1]
  • Now have to agree to terms and conditions before you run the app [Beta 1]
  • Multi-choice radio buttons rather than loads of buttons [Beta 1]
  • 3 Headset Volume Settings [Beta 2]
  • 3 Bluetooth Volume Settings [Beta 2]
  • All EQ and Compression settings tweaked for all files [Beta 2 onwards]
  • New ‘LVH’ sdcard layout for the files, which is much easier to navigate [Beta 1]
  • Menu’ button now brings up additional options (make and restore backups, etc.) [Beta 2]
  • Exit button works properly now [Beta 1]
  • Sapphire and Dream ‘compatibility established’ (some ROMs require additional files) [Beta 1]
  • New Icon (maybe) [Beta 2]

You can sign up by following these instructions:

  • Send an email to betasignup@androidaudiohacks.com
    • Include in the email:
      • Name: (nickname, username, twitter address, whatever)
      • Phone: (so I can check it’s compatible)
      • ROM: (so I can check it out if it doesn’t work)
      • Root Status: (for obvious reasons)

*NOTE* Emails sent that do not include the above information will be ignored. Also, just because you sign up, does not necessarily mean you will receive the Beta.

Known Bugs (will be fixed in Beta 2):

  • Minor placement issues
  • Bluetooth Boost’ gets pushed if you don’t select anything
  • Some Text issues

Via: AndroidAudioHacks

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