
Lucky Number 66: Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Iron Man edition sold for $91,000 in China

A few weeks ago, we covered the story of how early preorders of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Iron Man edition were being listed for more than $3,000 USD on eBay, and onwards up to $9,000. That seems cheap by comparison to this story out of China which says that a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Iron Man edition sold for $91,000 USD, or 568, 788 Yuan in the native currency. The unit in question was number 66 (of a planned 1,000 unit run), and garnered so much attention because “6” is a lucky number in Asian cultures, as are the colours red and gold – no less than 92,429 bids were seen during the online auction before the unit was sold. I can’t wait to see how much unit 888 is sold for (another set of auspicious numbers in Asian culture).

Considering the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Iron Man edition is retailing for $1,079 USD, it seems a bit ludicrous that someone would buy one for 90 times that amount, but considering that there is only a limited run, and is basically an Iron Man fan’s dream with its Iron Man theming and Arc reactor charging pad, it’s not surprising that people are going just a little bit crazy over it.

Would you pay $91,000 for a smartphone? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Business Korea via Phone Arena