
Madfinger Games teases Shadowgun: DeadZone, the highly anticipated multiplayer Add-on

Shadowgun is quite easily one of my personal favorite third person shooters on Android. Sure it has a Gears of War sort of feel and look to it, but it is still a great game. It plays well across multiple devices and those of you with Tegra 3 packing products should know how much more enriched your gaming environment looks. It has been a long year for MadFinger Games though. While they did manage to bring the Leftover expansion over to Android, we are still missing the key element that many people have been waiting nearly a year for. Yes, we are talking about the Deadzone expansion, or more so add-on I guess. Which was being beta tested by MadFinger and Gamestop back in February.

It has been a long time coming too. It was first talked about at CES 2012. Ya, that was this year back in January. There was talk of a Q1 release, which never happened. We haven’t seen anything about it since then and almost forgot they were working on it. Apparently it was either bad timing, or it just wasn’t perfect enough for them. They did put out Dead Trigger during  the delay, and that game is amazing, if you don’t have it you should get it. Just a few hours ago though, Madfinger Games tossed up a single image on their Facebook page, the one you see below, as an update to their cover photo. That would be all the info we have about it. We would imagine that they are finally close to bringing us some wickedly amazing multiplayer shooter action very soon though.

I am pretty sure a large majority of our team have this game, so if it is an app update or if it is a separate game install all together, someone will let you know. I know when it does hit that i will be getting it and tracking down Simon, David and Tony for some killing action.

Source: Facebook

Thanks for the heads up Kole

Application: Shadowgun
Developer: MADFINGER Games
Cost: FREE

Application: Dead Trigger
Developer: MADFINGER Games
Cost: FREE