
Make the party a laughable event with this off topic Gadget

Ok, so I am sitting here trying to get a little bit of work done for you guys. It is only 9:17pm, but it has been a long day. Kids can take it out of you. Then I get this awesome little email alert that I have set up for Daily Steals. You guys know the site. They offer some new great and amazing product at a huge discount. We actually got to meet Ben Cousin and a few other guys from the site at CES. You will see their faces around here in due time. They don’t always have Android related products, but a few times a month something great rolls through that we share. Well, tonight is no different.

Although absolutely not Android related, I know a great number of our readers are probably out on the town tonight boozin it up. It is Friday after all. Normally I would be right out there with you sending out crazy tweets and random photos of life. Sadly, I am getting a bit up there and I started off pretty early in life. So, here I sit bringing you guys stuff. There has always been one device that I have personally always wanted to have on hand while out and about. That device, a breathalyzer. Not just to check myself out, but to check out my friends. Finally see who really was too drunk to function, or who was so drunk they should be in the hospital. A fear was having so many people putting their mouths on it and blowing. Also the cost of most units that worked well was a bit too much for a party favor. Thanks to the continued efforts of Daily Steals, you have a chance to snag a mouthpiece-free digital portable breathalyzer at a great price.

Even though this particular item isn’t Android related directly, I bet you can ask anyone that has attended CES, the Big Android BBQ or any other event, how awesome this would be to have, they would say buy it now. If you want to snag one before they are gone simple click on the image above, or pop over to I’d tell you say AndroidStory sent you, but they don’t have a box for that yet. Maybe in the future.