
Make your Google Talk Transparent or Holo Themed for Ice Cream Sandwich


Yesterday I covered a post about making your Google Talk Transparent on your Gingerbread ROM that was created by B-boy. Well come to find out (from him himself) that he also has this very awesome tweak for Ice Cream Sandwich. Not only that, he also brought us a Holo-themed GTalk, just incase you might not like the transparent look but want more of an ICS look to your GTalk. It is very simple to get this on your phone. Follow the instructions below and let us know how you like it.

Install guide for Talk:

For this one you have to flash 2 zips.. the first one is just the res, resources and classes.. The 2nd has the edited Manifest.xml in it.. So download the first zip, flash it in recovery.. verify that Talk.apk is working.. Then download the 2nd link for either Full Holo or Full Transparent and flash it.. That will finish the theme of it…

Make sure you flash this one first:

Transparent Theme:

Holo Theme: