
Man survives Paris attacks thanks to his Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

Yesterday’s Paris attacks have once again underlined the intentions of Islamic State militants to disrupt the sanctity of Western nations, and while the atrocities will not be soon forgotten, there was at least one small bright spot in all this. The number of people who were tragically killed has yet to be confirmed, but that number might have been one more had one man not been carrying his Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge in his jacket pocket. The man, identified only as “Sylvester”, was outside the Stade de France where some of the shooting and explosions occured. Sylvester was hit by shrapnel from the bomb, but thankfully, his Galaxy S6 Edge took the brunt of the attack.

While the video above isn’t in English, it’s clear that had Sylvester not had his Galaxy S6 Edge in his jacket, his night might have ended a very different way. And for anyone doubting the structural integrity of the Galaxy S6 Edge, this seems like pretty good evidence that it can take a beating. Our thoughts and prays remain with those who have been affected by these attacks.

What do you think about this Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge saving a man’s life? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: VGTV via Phone Arena