
Market Movie of the Week: The Green Lantern

So being the “movie” guy on the team, it’s only right that I talk about the movies that are featured in the Android Market’s movie section. Something I think I will post once a week, so let’s start it of f with the movie Green Lantern. The Green Lantern stars, Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, and Peter Sarsgaard. Ryan Reynolds plays Hal Jordan, a down on his luck fighter pilot that seems to have nothing going for him. He’s daring, sarcastic, hates authority, and is a little bit of a playboy. So pretty much after risking his life in a daring pilot stunt, where he destroys a VERY expensive jet, he just about hits rock bottom. Little did he know, that out in space there was a powerful evil force known as Parallax heading towards Earth. The only thing that can stop Parallax is the Green Lantern Corps, a group of intergalactic warriors powered by the force of will. When legendary Green Lantern Abin Sur  is sent hurtling toward planet Earth after a deadly encounter with Parallax, his ring chooses Hal to continue the fight. Hal has a little trouble believing it all, but soon comes to find out how powerful this ring is. So then Hal sent into outer space to join The Green Lantern Corps, but finds it a little difficult being the first human to receive such an honor. Mean while back on earth, a scientist by the name of Hector Hammond becomes infected with Parallax’s evil while performing an autopsy on Abin Sur. With his newly found power, Hammond is driven with evil tensions and it’s up to Hal to stop him.

Now going into this movie, I didn’t have the highest expectation for it. I was never really a Green Lantern fan. It was Batman and The Flash all the way, so I really didn’t know the back story of the character. With that, I really enjoyed the Green Lantern. I guess you can say it’s DC’s answer to Marvel’s Iron Man, which we have a witty character thrown into a new life of being a superhero. Ryan Reynolds does an excellent job playing the sarcastic and witty Hal Jordan and Blake Lively of course plays the typical Damsel in distress but let’s face it, she’s super hot. That’s enough right there for you to watch this movie. The effects in this movie are pretty amazing, I especially like how they went with a computer generated suit for the Green Lantern and not a super tight rubber one that we are all used to seeing. The action doesn’t disappoint and neither does the story really. There’s also a very funny moment that made me bust up in the movie, that concerns the fact that the mask doesn’t really cover your identity to well. I won’t go into full detail but it definitely made L-O-L and say, YES!

So I recommend checking this movie out. You can go rent it from the market for 3.99 and enjoy it on your android phone on the go. Check out the trailer below if you haven’t seen it or forgot what the movie was all about.

Movie: Green Lantern
Cost: 3.99