
It was only a matter of time: Sex with Glass is now a Thing

Sex with glassWhen Google Glass was released, we knew its potential was limitless. That potential, as with all new visual technology, also included a new and uncharted way to explore sex. While we have heard various reports of porn Glassware apps that allow Glass wearers to virtually assume the point of view of the person partaking in sexual activities, a new app being called Sex with Glass is taking a slightly more personal and intimate approach.

Sex with Glass aims to allow two people, both with Google Glass, engaging in the act of sex to view their own perspective as well as the perspective of their partner through Google Glass. A third perspective can also be achieved by linking your Glass with your smartphone. Apart from opening new avenues for couples to explore their bedroom activities, Sex with Glass also allows the video of the entire partaking to be saved in the cloud for 5 hours before it is deleted.

The app also aims to integrate with other systems like Smart Homes and things accessible by your smartphone, like turning down the lights or starting some mood music. Apparently if the mood isn’t right and you need to truncate your sexual adventure, you can halt the recording by saying “ok glass, pull out”. It will be interesting to see if Google moves to ban Sex with Glass when it is released considering they banned the MiKandi app based on the appearance of “nudity”. There aren’t too many details about the app, but if you want to find out more you can visit the site below.

What do you think about ‘Sex with Glass’? Would you use it? Let us know what you think.

Source: Sex with Glass via Phandroid