
You may not want to sleep with your Samsung Galaxy S4 under your pillow Anymore

Samsung Galaxy S4Do you sleep with your phone under your pillow? Well, this story may make you not want to do that anymore. 13 year old Ariel Tolfree from Texas has been awoken from her sleep by the burning smell of her Samsung Galaxy S4 overheating and singeing the bed, sheets and pillow. The girl had actually been woken up once by the smell of something burning, but fell asleep initially, before being woken up again. The root cause of the Galaxy S4’s failure has not been pinpointed yet, but it suspected to be either an unauthorized replacement battery or the fact the phone simply overheated under the pillow.

Despite it being no real fault of Samsung’s, they have offered a replacement to Ariel (though the model is not specified) and also costs of replacing the damaged bedding. In this day and age, it’s unsurprising to hear that people go to sleep with their phones in their immediate vicinity, but it’s always a good idea to make sure your phone doesn’t have its airflow impeded, a warning which Samsung does actually ship with its devices.

What do you think about this story? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Fox News via Phone Arena