
Meet the HTC J Butterfly, the 1080p 5-inch device full of Wonder

I saw bits and pieces of this floating around last night while I was trying to sleep. Mostly I just caught the name, HTC J Butterfly. I just rolled back over and went to sleep. Now that I am cruising around, I thought I should take a look and see what the heck the Butterfly was all about. Yet, I don’t see any wings. Seriously though, HTC announced the J Butterfly device.

This would be that rumored device that we have all been waiting for. The 5-inch 1080p display toting monster from HTC. That is just insanity. In terms of ppi, this thing puts out 440. Just the thought of a screen with that type of resolution makes at least a small amount of drool roll down out of your mouth right? Unless I am wrong, that tops the retina display. The Buttefly is a whole lot of phone judging by the spec’s listed.

  • Snapdragon S4 Pro quad-core processor at 1.5GHz
  • 2GB of RAM
  • 16 On board storage
  • 8MP rear shooter with LED flash
  • 2.1MP front shooter
  • 2020 mAh Battery
  • LTE SUpport
  • Android Jelly Bean 4.1
  • BT 4.0
  • 1920 x 1080 FUll HD Super LCD 3 FHD

Should we continue. We also caught some little blurb on the site about it being dustproof and waterproof. WHAT!?!?! Where the heck did HTC come from with this monster? There is of course some bad news, at least for now, the HTC J Butterfly is no doubt headed to Japan. Hence the ‘J’ and the fact that Google had to translate the page for me. If or when this comes to the states is still unknown. Previous rumors and talks pointed this to be the DROID Incredible X for Verizon just a few weeks ago when it cleared the GCF.

What do you guys think? Is this the device HTC should have put out months ago? We sincerely hope this does turn out to be the DINC X, I know a few thousand people who would sell their souls to get their hands on one.


Also here is a video from Qbking YouTube video