
Meet Tweedle, the new fast, clean and free Twitter Client

From my personal perspective, a twitter client needs to be fast, easy to use and overly packed full of useless features. That isn’t saying that some of the apps and their features don’t appeal to a lot of people though. For me, I just need the time line, a way to write a tweet and an easy to navigate screen. Nothing more nothing less. If you are looking for something similar to what I like as well, then you might find Tweedle to be just what you have been looking for.

Tweedle was created by HandlerExploit. That name might sound familiar to many of you that have cruised around XDA often. He created Tweedle because he felt there needed to be “a better, cleaner and faster Twitter client for Android.”  I would have to agree with him. Tweedle is still just a baby though, so don’t expect a full on feature rich application just yet. You will find all the primary functions of a twitter client present in a clean, fast ans easy to use application though. If you are a twitter junkie though, you might miss the retweets with comments and filtering. Both of which are in the works for future updates. So are dark themes, a widget, tablet support and multiple account logins among other things.

Tweedle is FREE, has zero ads and is simple. If that is all you are looking for to stay connected, then you definitely give it a download. If you have some feedback for the app and things you would like to see in future updates, be sure to drop the devs a line and let them know. What are you waiting for, click or scan the QR code below and give Tweedle a try.

Application: Tweedle for Twitter
Developer: HandlerExploit
Cost: FREE