
MessagEase Keyboard changes the messaging game in a crazy Way

In the beginning man used coal on a wall to write and draw pictures. As we evolved or after the aliens showed up, we got smarter and created new way to document life. Then came computers, smartphones and tablets. the QWERTY keyboard has always been the standard in electronics when it came to inputting information. Swype changed that sort of with the technology that allowed a person to drag their finger from letter to letter to create words. For a good long time I had Swype installed but never dragged my finger anywhere. It just didn’t make me a faster typer and it didn’t bother me much not using it.

Now another on-screen keyboard replacement has hit the Play Store that changes everything.  Labeled as MessagEase by Exideas. Bringing a vague Swype type ability with it, in a radical new design. As you can see, the keyboard is only 3 x 3. with all the letters you need located in a small box layout. They have the most common letters as the main keys with all other letters laid out around them. Tapping on the main letter produces that letter, while pressing down and dragging in the direction of the smaller letter produces them. Along with the sliding to gain other letters, the keyboard also offers the ability to use gestures to copy and past words and has the ability to resize the keyboard with a single swipe. To best illustrate all of this, you should watch the short video presentation below. Words can’t describe it like video can.

They sure make it look easy. I personally have zero patience for learning a new keyboard personally. I can see how this could really scream for one-handed messages if you put in the time and effort to learn it. The application has some built-in tutorials and videos to help along the way. As another bonus, they have also developed the MessagEase Game, which is aimed at helping you develop your skills and shorten the learning curve. It sort of reminds me of the typing games we used to play in school.

There is a lot more to this keyboard than just the speed at which you could potentially be able to type. A person really needs to install it and go through the motions of setting it up, learning it and checking out the tutorials to get a better grasp of how it can really benefit you. To do that, simply install the app, set it as your keyboard and then long hold on the hand icon. The MessagEase Keyboard is available to everyone on Android 2.1 and up and is currently free. Give it a shot by clicking or scanning the QR code below. Be sure to let us know what you think of it in the comments.

As for me, I will forever be a QWERTY guy who has to hit every key. I pretty much suck.

Application: MessagEase Keyboard
Developer: Exideas
Cost: FREE

Application: MessagEase Game
Developer: Exideas
Cost: FREE