
Micromax Andro A60, India’s cheapest Android Smartphone.

Micromax, has finally announced the price of it’s newest Android device. The device is known as the Andro A60, and it is available in India for a whopping Rs 6,999. To those of you who are reading this you might see that, and think that it’s a lot of money, but in U.S dollars it’s roughly $123. Which isn’t bad considering the specs on the phone.

The Andro A60 is running Android 2.1, a 600 mhz processor, and a 2.1 inch resistive touch screen. Yes, the specs are not the greatest on this device, thus the reason for the cheap price. I will admit that the Android logo engraved on the back of the device is pretty unique. If you are overseas, and interested in a new device, but low on funds, this might be the right device for you.
