
MicroSD Memory Cards are Finally Getting Affordable

Now that Google Music is out and being adopted by more and more users, we are finally able to free up some of our devices memory. Still, many power users such as myself, have a hard time keeping any free space on my device. That is where memory cards can play an important roll. Often when you get a new phone it will come with a 2 or 4 GB MicroSD card. All new devices will support up to a 32GB card. Until recently locating anything over 8GB could really put a dent in your pocket book and almost needed to be justified to purchase. It seems though that the higher end cards are finally starting to become affordable.

BestBuy is on point as usual, they currently have a Kingston 16GB  MicroSD Class 4 card for only $25. That is extremely reasonable. Especially when T-Mobile is trying to sell you a 4GB Kingston Class 4 for $17.

If you have been holding off on getting that much needed memory jump on your device, you don’t have to put it off much longer. Go check out what else BestBuy has going on.