
The not-so-mini Oppo N1 Mini is officially announced sporting a 5-inch Display

Oppo N1 MiniBeing “mini” no longer means being a small smartphone anymore thanks to the Oppo N1 Mini which was officially announced earlier today. While the 5-inch N1 Mini is definitely smaller than the original Oppo N1, which sported a 5.9-inch display, it still dwarfs most smartphones that many people would still call a little big. If the size isn’t all you’re worried about, you’ll be happy to hear that the N1 Mini is still going to have the 13MP swivel camera for taking those high resolution selfies.

The specific processor that the N1 Mini is going to be using has yet to be revealed, but it is going to be LTE capable. This is a step up from the original N1 which lacked the LTE support, but also had a 3,610mAh battery; the N1 Mini is going to only have a 2,140mAh which may decidedly struggle under the stresses of 4G usage. The device will also be running Oppo‘s proprietary ColorOS, but that’s all that has been announced so far, with the device to be officially launched in China on June 11th with no mention of price or a global release yet.

What do you think of the Oppo N1 Mini? Are you interested in getting one if it is priced appropriately? Let us know your opinion in the comments.

Source: Oppo via Android Police