
Minuum Android Keyboard Gets Funded!

Minuum Android Keyboard

Touch screen keyboards, a necessary evil on smartphones without a physical keyboard.  They take up alot of screen when typing portrait, or completely cover the screen in landscape.  Not anymore.  Minuum Android Keyboard has completed a very successful funding campaign on Idiegogo.

Minuum is very different to most other keyboards.  Instead of going the route of gestures or voice typing,  they have condensed the keyboard down to a single line.  Still keeping the qwerty layout everyone knows, but adding in a very advanced predictive algorithm, which allows Minuum to use less space, while retaining functionality and without the steep learning curve of some other keyboards.

With an initial goal of $10,000 met, they blasted past to a total of $87,639!  They are also working on wearable typing technology that ties in with Minuum, as well as finishing off the Android and iPhone versions.  Beta versions go out to backers 2 months before a public beta, and honestly, I’m really excited to see what this baby can do!


Source: Pocketables