
MIUI inspired dialer application available via Android Market

Yup, another MIUI article, in a sense. It is widely known that a high majority of the ASpin team are of course rooted but also all running MIUI as our primary ROM. For us, it just works and works well. Not all you maybe fans of the ROM but some of you might be fans of certain aspects. Such as the custom themeing or the music application. You can always find at least one thing you like about it, right?

One element of the ROM that I enjoy using is the MIUI dialer/contacts app. It is laid out nicely allowing for easy searching, setting and finding favorites and even groups.It is a really useful way to navigate your contacts with ease. Modoohut thinks so too. He created ex Dialer and put it on the market for everyone to enjoy.

* Contact groups/favorites manager
* T9 contact/calllog filter, which support Latin/Chinese/Russian/Hangul/Greek
* Contacts list quick filter, support words/phonetic/hybrid
* Contacts first alphabet quick scroll
* Calllogs group by contact
* Small in size, no extra storage usage

When you install the application you will end up with two icons on your device. Much like MIUI has. There will be a dialer icon that launches the dialer with the recent call activity located above it. If you are familiar with MIUI then you know you can click on the silhouette of the person to the left of the call button to go straight to your contacts if you wish. The second application that installs will be a dedicated contacts app. You can do with them as you please. I personally keep the dialer app on my dock and access my contacts through the little contacts icon, forgoing the need to open the contacts app separately.

The only thing the app doesn’t let you do is take advantage of all the dialer themes the true MIUI ROM users have access too.

Go check it out below. Just click or scan the QR code to pick it up and be sure to let us know if you like it or not.

Application: ex Dialer
Developer: Modoohut
Cost: FREE