To snag this one for yourself, hit the download link below. After you snag it up, move the mtz file to the MIUI/Themes folder. Now head to your apps and open up the ‘Themes’ application. This isn’t a full theme, just a lockscreen. You will need to go down and select ‘customize’ at the bottom, then select lockscreen. Find your new Stacks LS and apply it. Hope you enjoy it.
Download – Stacks.mtz
Via MIUIThemes
update – Looks like this LS Theme is can also be found on deviantart.com by CocaineMonster. After looking at the thread from where I found it, it is identical. Since I have no desire to register on a Chinese site to read the whole post, I will assume it was found at Deviant art first and then posted over. My apologies to CocaineMonster.