
Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation on sale for just a $1

What better way to start your Monday off than with a sale on a great game from Gameloft? I can think of a few, but this will do. Right now Gameloft is running a limited time offer for Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation. It is a pretty amazing First Person Shooter game with a whole lot of goodness built-in. Not only can you play through the single player campaign that includes 13 missions, but you also have a 12 person multiplayer aspect as well. It includes battles for up to 12 players on 6 exclusive maps and involves 7 different modes. It is a pretty sweet game to have in your arsenal of entertainment.

There is one bit of warning though, the game is HUGE. The initial download is only 4.1MBs, but at first launch you will be required to download the games assets which total 1.37GB of space. Seems a little excessive, but the graphics and level sizes are an easy explanation. If you are lacking on space for whatever reason, you can always just purchase the game and hold off for a while on the final assets install. It is better to snag it while it is on sale then wait till you get a different device and pay the full price.


MC3 usually will set a person back $6.99, but for a limited time they are offering it up for just $0.99. If you have been holding out on getting this game now is a pretty good chance. As always, you can click or scan the handy little QR code below to pick it up. Wonder if this is a sale before they launch Modern Combat 4??

Application: Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation
Developer: Gameloft
Cost: $0.99