
Mom, can I have some more spam with my Market

android market

Johnny – “Mom can I have another dollar?”

Mom – “What are you going to use that dollar for John-John?”

Johnny – “Well I like buying all the new random apps that simply open a link”

Mom – “GASP!”

Sound familiar? It might, it might not. One thing is certain though, with the lack of a solid approval process the Android Market is certainly gaining quite a few ::cough cough:: unusable apps.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for the submitting of an app and having it available for download almost immediately. However, I do not understand how developers can write an app that will claim to do one thing (such as be a facebook or twitter client) and then do nothing more than open up the link to the mobile site.

Do you think that the Market is taking a downward spiral? In all honesty, I love the market. I think it is a great place for users to make money if need be, but also that there needs to be a better approval process and rating system.

Oh yea…. a better way to sort or organize would be a nice help as well. hint hint…