
The Moody app helps students access Moodle on your Android Device

moody appMoodle is an online teaching platform that allows teacher to provide students with content in the manner they wish, but until now, there has been no mobile interface to interact with the platform. I recall using Moodle during my time at university and I remember one of my greatest gripes was that there was no mobile app to help me access all the content, relegated instead to the confusing layout of Moodle 2. Thankfully, firetrap over at XDA has plugged this gaping deficiency for students who use Moodle with the Moody app, which includes features such as:

  • Access to courses main contents
  • Notifications about new contents
  • Send Messages to contacts
  • Access to Cloud Storage (Dropbox/Google Drive)
  • Device Hardware Integration
  • Search inside courses

That sounds like pretty much all you’ll want to do with Moodle while you’re on the move, and I can’t express how jealous I am that this app exists now and not when I was studying. The app is compatible with Moodle 2.2 and newer, though the app is only in alpha at this point. That said, it will likely be a godsend for some students who have been pining for the convenience of an app or often like to sleep in. You can check out the current version of Moody that’s out now on the Play Store; links below.

Any students out there who have been waiting for an app for Moodle? Let us know if you try it out

Source: XDA News

Application: Moody

Price: Free

Get it on Google Play