
More Moto X Phone Rumors Surface as well as Moto-Nexus Rumors

Moto X Phone render leak

The Moto X Phone rumors are becoming more and more frequent these days, and most of them have been pretty outrageous. Today, the boys over at Android an Me have taken some of these rumors in a nice long article you can read by hitting the source link below. I am just going to talk about a couple of the rumors.

First we have this whole customization rumor about the Moto X Phone. Giving users the ability to not just customize their homescreens, but customize the entire phone. Users would be able to pick the material that makes up the phone, which sounds pretty absurd. Moto phones are built pretty well with their kevlar like material, so I highly doubt this rumor is true. There was also rumors that you would be able to add more RAM of your choosing, which in theory sounds like a good idea, but again, highly doubt it will be true.

Now speaking of the body of the phone, rumors are also suggesting that it will have the Motorola logo on the back that is touch sensitive. Once you trigger the touch sensitive button, you will be able to use voice commands. This sounds like something they would add. It would further give the user easy and quick access to Google Now, so if this rumor is not true, it should be.

FInally we have a Motorola Nexus rumor. There is a rumor that a Moto Nexus might show its face at the end of the year, and will have nothing to do with the Moto X Phone branding. Don’t see this being true, especially if a Nexus 5 is going to be unveiled at Google I/O. Even if there is no Nexus 5 at I/O, I would think a new Nexus phone would show up before the end of the year. It has also been reported that Motorola will continue to release DROID phones this year, which throws that whole Moto X brand phones rumor out the window.

Again, this is all just rumors and speculations. More rumors will come before we get any kind of hard evidence about this phone or phones. Let us know if you guys have heard anything else. Next we will find out the phone will be see through.

Source: Android an Me