
More Motorola X Phone Specs Surface Sounding a Little More Legit

NXT nexus 5 motorola x phone

Yesterday we woke to a nice little image of what seemed to be the Motorola X phone. It looked ridiculous. Many of us in the blogger world debunked it as a fake, and even the supposed specs seemed a little far fetched. Mainly the camera. It was reported with yesterday’s image that the rear camera was going to be 16 MP. That is a pretty huge step up, which suggests someone was just throwing out numbers.

Today we get more info on the specs from a more reliable source. Ausdroid got these reliable tips, and they have bumped down the camera from 16 MP 1o MP. A little strange since no cameras have been reported to have 10 MP. They also mentioned that they wanted to go for a 5-inch display, but are having trouble finding a screen supplier so they are dumbing it down to 4.7-inches. That does not make much sense to me. This phone has high buzz surrounding it and is backed by Google. How could they not find a screen supplier?

Too much misinformation going on with this phone, which still leads me to believe that it will not be showing up at Google I/O. Let us know what you guys think.

Source: Talk Android