
Moto 360 Announced by Motorola; It’s Time

Moto 360 It's Time Android Wear Motorola
This morning we got to see what Google has been up to in regards to wearables with the announcement of the Android Wear platform. Int heir piece we saw a few videos, one for general use and one for developers. They also mentioned that they have been working with a number of manufacturers already. Now we are starting to get the flood of information about who is making what and a chance to see the individual manufacturers take. Not surprising, Motorola has one coming this summer dubbed the Moto 360.

As the name suggests, this one will have a round face and runs the new Android Wear OS/Software. The video provided by Motorola is pretty much useless in terms of what the specs are all about. It is round and will have a leather strap or metal strap option. You can also see the changes to the time aspect where Moto has created a more standard style analog watch face with multiple time locales. We snapped a few screenshots of the renders Moto has up on their landing page.

Moto 360 It's Time Android Wear Motorola Moto 360 It's Time Android Wear Motorola
Feel free to head over to for an even closer look where you can see all angles of the renders with both strap options.

Source: Motorola
Via AndroidPolice