
Motorola Adjusts Moto X Wood Back Pricing to Realistic $25

When I saw that Motorola wanted another $100 on top of the device for a real wood back plate for your Moto X, I nearly had a heart attack. While I love the idea, I wasn’t thrilled with the premium price. Especially since I know there are a number of real wood  cases in the wild that are much less expensive. Granted it isn’t ‘part of the phone’ like these would be. It seems that since Motorola launched that first run Bamboo line, they have since been able to alter their manufacturing methods and bring the cost way down.

Motorola Moto X wood back plates price change
Emails have been sent out to the first run buyers of the explaining this information and offering up a $75 coupon code for spending at Ebony, Walnut and Teak  will still be inline for availability and only cost the new $25 extra price tag. However, it sounds like Rosewood is out of the picture, at least for now. The Bamboo price change has already been updated on Moto Maker and you can expect the remaining three styles to become available January 21st.

If you were quick to pull the trigger on the Bamboo Moto X, be sure to check your inbox for that coupon.

Source: Droid-Life / Moto Blog