
Motorola Android Tablet May Be Coming Soon

The Droid series from Motorola could have a big brother soon. Sanjay Jha, Motorola‘s co-CEO, was speaking at an investor driven conference in New York City Thursday and was talking about Motorola‘s focus on Android. “Nearly all” of the Motorola’s energy is spent on Android these days, Jha divulged. The conversation then strayed from Motorola‘s plans for mobile devices outside of the Smartphone arena.

“I think that a companion 7- to 10-inch device in a home will become very important, [both] as an augmentation to your TV experience [and] also as a way of walking around the house and streaming TV to that device,” Jha said. “I think we’re very focused in participating in this convergence that’s coming between mobility and home, and I think you will actually see some products from us in a very short period of time.”

Jha went on to say he could easily see such a device running the Android operating system.

There has been no other information released but being that this device is even being considered makes me happy. I will personally be paying close attention to anything related to a Motorola tablet and will let you know the latest involving this.