• News
  • 9 February, 2012

Motorola Blames Lack of Android Updates on Hardware Diversity


Well it looks like Motorola is doing a little finger-pointing on why they are not getting their Android updates to their phones. We all get anxious for the OEM’s to get to work on getting the latest updates to our phones, and tend to grow rather impatient. Everyone just wants some Ice Cream Sandwich. Is that too much to ask for?

[quote]I’d say it’s the hardware that’s the long pole in the tent…dealing with the software is not the hard part.[/quote]

That was said by manager Christy Wyatt, basically saying the reason for the slow updates is due to the hardware and not because they love to slap their MotoBlur skin over stock Android. Wow that was big of her. She is obviously either knows nothing about what she is talking about, or just covering Motorola’s ass (most likely both) so Motorola users remain happy.

Us serious Android users see right through this though. Developers create stable ROMs all the time, and the do not work for a big company like, oh lets just say MOTOROLA. They usually do it for free and in their spare time, so yeah, hardware can be a key issue in update delays but lets face facts. Putting a skin over something does not need it will be the main reason for delays. Lets just keep ICS the way it is, shall we? I know no one that likes MotoBlur (really don’t) so please Motorola, stop trying to be different.

Source: Pocketables.net