
Motorola Briefly Explains the Moto 360’s Design in New Video


Who cannot wait for the Moto 360? Android Wear on a beautiful round watch is just scratching me where I itch, and I think that is the divide in the community. Some people out there prefer the square face simply because they are used to that design, but some of us who want something a little different are waiting for the Moto 360. Nothing wrong with either one, but you can’t say the 360 looks gorgeous.

The design of the Moto 360 is briefly explained in a new video Motorola uploaded today on their YouTube channel, and it will make some of your mouths water. They talk about how they wanted the 360 to look more like a watch, and we can all agree that they have accomplished that task. Check out the video below to get teased yet again with this beautiful piece of technology.