
Motorola Droid 3 Revealed in Leaked training Videos

It seems that the Motorola Droid 3 has been kept under tight security and not much information has been available.  Verizon and Motorola have just had a little bit of their thunder stolen by a new gadget blog called PhonePads.   It seems they somehow got hold of three tutorial videos showing this new device being put through it’s paces.

What did we find out in the videos?

  • Power centrally located on the top of the device
  • Micro USB and Mini HDMI located on the left side.
  • Volume Rocker on the right.
  • 8 MP Camera with LED Flash.
  • 1080p HD Video Recording.
  • 5 Row Slide out Qwerty Keypad with Separate number keys.
  • Swype is also included.

Without any further delay, take a look at the three videos below:


Source: PhonePads via Engadget