
Motorola DROID 4 root exploit available for All

Again with the root for the DROID 4, I know right. We covered a story just the other day about root being obtained with a $500 bounty to release it. The principal was nice, $300 went to the American Red Cross and $200 went to the purchase of a DROID 4. We aren’t strangers to community members starting a bounty to offer to the first developer to do something, but this was the first time we saw a developer hold an exploit hostage for funds. The method and exploit was released by security researcher Dan Rosenberg and he has since changed the parameters of his original thinking. He has released the exploit for everyone, yippee, and all donations will go straight to charity. That is good news. I still think he should get some personal donations for a DROID 4 though, after all, he will bring many other great things to the device if he has one.

Apparently this was considered unacceptable by the raging masses of Android fanboys, who not only believe they are entitled to exploits for free, but are also under the delusion that $200 total is a lot of money in exchange for this kind of work. I’m disappointed in the response by the community, but I’m going to turn it into a positive thing.

The method is pretty straight forward and simple, even for the less confident of rooters. You will need to running a Windows-based PC for the moment, download the .zip file, plug-in the Droid 4, toss your device into debug mode and run the exploit file. Sounds pretty simple right? The over all process should take only a few minutes and you will expect to see a few reboots, so don’t be scared.

Pop on over to the Vulnfactory to make a charitable donation and pick up the exploit. No donation required, but it would be a nice thing to do.

Source: Vulnfactory via Androidcentral