
Motorola Droid Getting Froyo on July 13th?

The Droid X is going to hit the shelves on July 15th, and it’s rumored that the new Droid 2 is coming out on August 23rd, but that doesn’t mean that Motorola has forgotten their most lovely Droid ever, the original Motorola Droid.  While it is confirmed that Droid will get an upgrade to Android 2.2 in July,  the question is when in July? Rumors are popping out that Android 2.2 for Droid will be releasing on July 13th, true or false, we don’t know that. If Motorola wants to keep their Droid users happy, then I think it would be a good move if they released the Android 2.2 for Droid before the mega launch of Droid X. July 13th is a Tuesday, and if you remember, Motorola also released the 2.1 for Droid on a Tuesday. That’s all we know so far, stay tuned with us and don’t forget to share your thoughts.

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