
Motorola DROID Turbo wallpapers are big and pretty; get them here now [Download]

Motorola DROID Turbo wallpapersThe Motorola DROID Turbo has been out for just over a week now, and all the initial reviews of it are looking really good. Coupled with a Snapdragon 805 processor and a Quad HD display, the massive 3,900mAh battery makes the DROID Turbo almost unmatched among its Android brethren for combination of power and endurance. The DROID Turbo is still one of the few smartphones to carry a Quad HD display, which means we’re pretty interested to see not only what the display looks like, but what wallpapers Motorola and Verizon have hidden in the device. Luckily, the stock Motorola DROID Turbo wallpapers have been dug out, and we have all 14 of them available down below. Be sure to click through to the full resolution image before you save it:

Naturally, the resolution of each of the wallpapers is 2880×2560 which should be sufficient for pretty well any device available on the market right now. Clearly whoever curated this wallpaper set has a penchant for macro shots as many of these appear to be close up photos, and those of you who are Verizon veterans from the old Droid Maxx should recognize a few of these wallpapers as well.

What do you think of the Motorola DROID Turbo wallpapers? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Droidviews