• News
  • 14 July, 2010

Motorola DROID X on Sale at Wirefly with $50 Bing Cashback

With the Motorola Droid X launching tomorrow for $199 everywhere, Wirefly has dropped the price even lower and has made the deal even sweeter by offering $50 cash back. Customers who purchase the Droid X via Wirefly’s Bing-sponsored listing after 12:01am Pacific Time tonight can get $50 cash back from Microsoft. I like money and hopefully you do too. Wirefly’s promotion is for a limited time only so tomorrow, make sure you head to http://www.bing.com/search?q=wirefly and reap nothing but benefits.


  • Go here http://www.bing.com/search?q=wirefly after 12:01 am Pacific Time tonight and order your Motorola Droid X at Wirefly’s special price and receive $50 cash back from Microsoft.

Visit Wirefly’s Motorola Droid X catalog page HERE for more images and specs of Verizon’s hottest device.

Via: Bing

How many of you are going to use Wirefly to grab the Motorola Droid X? Leave your comments below.