
Motorola Droid X Overclocked To A Stable 1.1 GHz

When Motorola said that the Droid X could not be rooted, the modding community was quick to prove them wrong and even with a locked bootloader, custom ROMs are being flashed daily on this device. One thing that hasn’t been done on the DX until now is overclocking that 1 GHz TI OMAP processor, until now.

Android modder FreeWELL, was able to use the Motorola Milestone 2.1 overclock method and bring it to the Motorola Droid X giving users the ability to overclock the device to 1.1 GHz or underclock it if the user prefers.

AndroidForums has the necessary information if you’re willing to go this route. Good Luck!

Via: Droid-Life