
Motorola Droid X2 Web Pages Found

It was starting to seem like the trail was running cold for the Droid X replacement, however recent finding have shed new light on the cause. It would seem that Motorola and Verizon have issued support pages for their latest “Droid” edition phone, the X2. As we know this device has been rumored for sometime now with its supposed specs often varying from site to site.

Motorola Droid X2 (confirmed):

-4.3-inch qHD Display

– 1GHz Dual-Core Processor

-HDMI Port – Full HDMI Mirroring

The Motorola support page doesn’t lead you anywhere however they have provided a link to the user manual which confirms the specs above. Verizon’s site doesn’t list anything, but upon searching for accessories the Droid X2 is listed as an optional phone to search for. Even with these new tidbits of information a release date has yet to be obtained. Looks like we’re still playing the waiting game.


Source: Engadget via Verizon & Motorola [1] [2]