
Motorola FlipOut Offered Exclusively In The UK By Orange

If you live in the UK and were hoping to get your mitts on the uniquely designed Motorola FlipOut, we have some good news. Orange UK is now offering the Motorola FlipOut exclusively in the UK. With its unique flip form factor you can now pick up this full-QWERTY device. We can’t find this device on Orange’s website, but you can drop by one of their retail locations to learn more, if you would like.

Features of the Motorola FlipOut include:

  • Android 2.1
  • Motorola’s Motoblur UI
  • 2.8 inch QVGA display (320 X 240)
  • 600 MHz processor TI OMAP3410
  • 512 MB ROM, 512 MB RAM
  • 3.1 MP camera
  • Five row QWERTY keyboard
  • GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth
  • 1170 mAh Li Ion

Anyone longing for this device?

Via: EuroDroid